Photos of Taiwanese Business Delegation with Mveda New Mexico Representatives and the Mayor of Las Cruces

MVEDA hosted TAITRA, a delegation of esteemed Taiwanese businesses, showcasing the economic potential and collaborative spirit of the Borderplex region.

Last week, the Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance (MVEDA) had the honor of organizing a delegation of Southern New Mexico representatives to host TAITRA, a delegation of esteemed Taiwanese businesses visiting the Albuquerque area. This event was a remarkable opportunity to showcase the economic potential and collaborative spirit of the Borderplex region.

Photo of Eric Enriquez Mayor of Las Cruces Addressed a Group of Taiwanese Businesses Participating in the Taiwan Trade Mission to the Usa and the Nmborderplex

Mayor Eric Enriquez of Las Cruces addresses Taiwanese businesses during the Taiwan Trade Mission to the USA and NM Borderplex.

Our delegation was privileged to be joined by key figures, including the Mayor of Las Cruces and members of his dedicated team. Their presence underscored the strong commitment to fostering international relationships and economic growth. Additionally, we were pleased to welcome the Director of Promotions from the State of Chihuahua’s economic development office, highlighting the cross-border cooperation that is vital for regional prosperity.

The visit of the TAITRA team was facilitated by the New Mexico Economic Development Department, whose efforts to bring international business opportunities to our state are greatly appreciated. This initiative aligns perfectly with our ongoing mission to create a vibrant and dynamic economic landscape in Southern New Mexico.

Davin lopez taiwanese business delegation nmedd

Davin Lopez, CEO of MVEDA, discusses opportunities in the NM Borderplex with TAITRA, a delegation of esteemed Taiwanese businesses

The interaction with TAITRA was not just a meeting of businesses, but a meeting of cultures and ideas. It opened avenues for potential partnerships, investments, and mutual growth. We believe that such engagements are crucial for building a diversified and resilient economy that benefits all stakeholders.

As we look to the future, MVEDA remains committed to fostering these valuable international connections and continuing our work to position Southern New Mexico as a prime destination for global business. The collaboration with TAITRA is a significant step in this direction, and we are excited about the possibilities it holds.

Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing efforts to drive economic development and strengthen international ties. Together, we can create a prosperous future for Southern New Mexico and beyond.

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Carlos Parra