

Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks

Space to grow matters! And infrastructure-ready space is even more critical when time and cost to market matters most. The NMBorderplex has five (5) infrastructure ready industrial parks spread across our region, each with unique attributes ranging from rail and airport served, to direct Interstate access, to proximity to an international port of entry. Also with over 500,000 square feet of industrial spec space currently under construction, we can help expedite the timeline to getting your business open. We have existing spaces for industrial and retail, click to search available properties.

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Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks

Las Cruces Innovation & Industrial Park

Perfectly located just eight miles west of downtown Las Cruces on Interstate 10, the Las Cruces Innovation & Industrial Park (LCIIP) encompasses 1,700 acres immediately south of Las Cruces International Airport. Suitable for light industry, general manufacturing, aviation- and technology-based industries, the City of Las Cruces has sold or leased 680 acres of which over 250 are currently developed.

Under the city’s Local Economic Development Act (LEDA), the City of Las Cruces can consider providing land in the LCIIP in exchange for projects that create direct employment in the region. This is one of the most aggressive community-incentive programs in the State of New Mexico and serves as proof-positive of the city’s pro-business attitude.

  • A dedicated aerospace business park adjacent to the Las Cruces International Airport
  • Proximity to existing technological resources and companies
  • Minutes away from Santa Teresa International Port of Entry into Mexico
  • Parcels available with fully developed infrastructure and fiber-optic access
  • LCIIP is located within Doña Ana County Foreign Trade Zone 197
  • The park is home to companies like Saputo Cheese, Alaska Structures, Cyracom International, Artico, and many more. Discover what makes this a unique location for your company.
Learn more about the Las Cruces Innovation and Industrial Park by clicking the buttons below!

Las Cruces International Airport

Located across Interstate 10 from the Las Cruces Innovation & Industrial Park (LCIIP), the Las Cruces International Airport is an established general-aviation airport located just eight miles west of downtown Las Cruces. The airport offers three runways including a precision-instrument approach along with two full-service fixed-base operators and abundant room for growth.

General and corporate aviation, UAV testing and development and more take place at Las Cruces International Airport. Year-round mild weather, light traffic, and proximity to the Interstate Highway and the City of Las Cruces make this the perfect airport for business.

Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks

Arrowhead Business and Research Park

Scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs come together at Arrowhead Business and Research Park to foster the transfer of technology and to provide private enterprises with immediate access to nationally recognized academic and technical on-site resources.

Arrowhead Business and Research Park and New Mexico State University (NMSU) are dedicated to forming nontraditional partnerships with the private sector in innovative ways to stimulate new industries, more jobs, and a stronger regional economy. Arrowhead was created for companies that specialize in research, development, and light manufacturing. Tenants have the opportunity to design customized spaces, take advantage of early stage development benefits, and influence the direction of a central hub for research and technological development.

  • Situated near the confluence of Interstates 10 & 25 on the southern end of the NMSU campus
  • Access to the Arrowhead Technology Incubator and the National Security Technology Incubator
  • A highly skilled workforce of over 23,000 within walking distance
  • Availability of NMSU students as part-time employees or interns
  • Access to NMSU resources and strategic partners
  • On-site, world-class telecommunication network


Santa Teresa Gateway Rail Park

Built around unbeatable Union Pacific rail access at the Santa Teresa Intermodal Terminal, the 225-industrial-zoned acres of the Santa Teresa Gateway Rail Park is an ideal location for growing manufacturing and distribution industries. A short-line rail runs through the park, which is also near the Doña Ana County International Jetport and just five minutes from Interstate 10.

The Santa Teresa Gateway Rail Park has over two million square feet of completed industrial space on site with over three million more currently planned for new development.

  • Exclusive land-based port of entry into Mexico’s largest maquila manufacturing base
  • Year-round access to rail, air, and ground transportation systems
  • The park lies within Foreign Trade Zone 197 and the Twelve-Mile Overweight Cargo Radius
  • Conveniently located between the Ports of Long Beach and Houston
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks

Westpark Logistics Center

Strategically located adjacent to the Santa Teresa Gateway Rail Park, Westpark Logistics Center is one of the newest industrial parks established in one of New Mexico’s fastest-growing industrial areas. At 166 acres, the park has plenty of room for new facilities and operations next door to established tenants such as MCS Industries, FedEx, and Valley Cold Storage.


  • The park lies within Foreign Trade Zone 197 and the Twelve-Mile Overweight Cargo Radius
  • Direct connection with the maquilas of Chihuahua, Mexico from the Santa Teresa Port of Entry
  • Part of a bi-national community master plan that encompasses 40,000 acres

Bi-National Industrial Park

Strategically located adjacent to the U.S. and Mexico customs facilities at the Santa Teresa International Port of Entry, the Bi-National Industrial Park consists of 230 acres of industrial-zone real estate. Compared to the older border crossings in nearby El Paso, TX, Santa Teresa eliminates congested border wait times and represents the fastest route to southeast Juarez via the new four-lane Casas Grandes Highway. On the U.S. side of the crossing, the modern Pete Domenici Highway provides five-minute access to Interstate 10.


  • The park lies within Foreign Trade Zone 197 and the Twelve-Mile Overweight Cargo Radius
  • Aggressive tax incentives from the State of New Mexico means logistical, financial, and operational advantages
  • The Union Pacific Railroad operates one of their largest intermodal yards near the park
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks

Doña Ana County International Jetport at Santa Teresa

Serving Santa Teresa, Ciudad Juarez, the City of El Paso, and Southern Doña Ana County, the Jetport is a full-service airport designed to accommodate a wide variety of air traffic. Located within minutes of the Santa Teresa International Port of Entry, the Jetport is utilized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, business aircraft, helicopters and more. Doña Ana County owns and operates the facility and provides consistent and ongoing maintenance and improvement.

Future plans for the Doña Ana County International Jetport include significant expansion of the airport’s capabilities with a second runway capable of handling heavy-cargo aircraft, new hangar space, and a separate aircraft maintenance area.

Spaceport America

Located just 45 miles north of Las Cruces, Spaceport America is the world’s first purpose-built commercial spaceport and a hub for the nation’s growing commercial space industry. Virgin Galactic is the spaceport’s anchor tenant occupying the 110,000 sq. ft. terminal and hangar facility. However, many other industry leaders have taken advantage of Spaceport America’s advantages for low-cost access to space, including Moog FTS, Armadillo Aerospace, UP Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, and others.

  • Average of 340 days of annual, Ideal flying weather
  • Supporting vertical and horizontal launch operations
  • Clear, restricted airspace managed by White Sands Missile Range
  • A large scientific community associated with NASA and WSMR
  • Located 4,500 feet above sea level, making the first mile “free!”
Infrastructure Ready Industrial Parks